
Encumbrance Fees

Encumbrance Fees

Each property (land title) in Mahogany has an annual encumbrance fee attached to it by law. This encumbrance is also called the Mahogany Homeowners Association (MHOA) fee. The annual payment of this fee is necessary and a legal requirement to ensure the operations and maintenance of the Mahogany community’s shared amenities, such as the Main Beach Clubhouse facility and park space, West Beach, and lake, as well as other enhanced operation and maintenance programs outside of the beaches that the City do not undertake are taken care of. 

Encumbrance Fee increases/decreases are calculated annually by the Statistics Canada CPI index for Calgary. In September, the annual CPI index is used to determine the MHOA fees for the following year. 

Encumbrance notices are issued by email to the “primary” property owner and specified co-recipients the first week of November each year. These fees are due by January 1st and late payment and collection fees are applicable for any outstanding encumbrance fees (view Encumbrance Fee schedules Here). Residents do not have access to Mahogany Homeowners Association facilities if their Encumbrance fess are not in good standing. 

Encumbrance fee bills are available to download from your member account the last week in November each year, allowing 30 days notice prior to the annual Mahogany Homeowners Association fee deadline. The encumbrance fee bill notification is emailed to the primary homeowners. 

To Pay in Person

Payment by debit, cheque or credit (3% credit card processing fee applies), is available at the Mahogany Beach Club, 29 Masters Park SE during business hours, or outside business hours in the drop box to the left of the catering doors at the front of the main building. 

Cheques can be made payable to “Mahogany Homeowners Association” and can be mailed to the address below or dropped off at reception during business hours at the same address:

Mahogany Homeowners Association

29 Masters Park SE, Calgary, AB, T3M 2C1

Please note that there is a charge for any NSF cheques processed by the MHOA.

To Pay Online or Over the Phone

Encumbrance fees can be paid online by credit card at or in person at the office. Please contact or call at 403-453-1221 should you require any assistance with online payments. 

Please note, there will be an additional 3% credit card processing fee to pay by credit card. 

For Law Offices

For any Mahogany property sale please click here to download the Encumbrance Status Request form and email it to to obtain the current HOA encumbrance status amount required to complete property sale contract. 

Every law office is required to complete the Encumbrance Status Request form to finalize any Mahogany property sale.