Beach Picnic Sites
We have 4 Beach Picnic Sites that can be reserved for an outdoor booking, 2 at the West Beach location, and 2 at Main Beach. If you have more than your 8 guests per household and want to enjoy the outside for a party, family BBQ or any other arranged outdoor event, then you will need to reserve a Beach Picnic spot.
Including your household you can have up to 40 people attend an outdoor event including infants/young children. There are three available time slots per day for bookings as follows:
1. 9:30am – 1:00pm
2. 1:30pm – 5:00pm
3. 5:30pm – 9:00pm
All bookings must be made through our online booking system. Please choose your desired location below to begin the booking process. The non-refundable fee for a booking is $52.50 (GST included)
Outdoor Booking Rules
- Please note that the nominal fee is non-refundable.
- No changes can be made within 72 hours of your booking.
- Regulations and Guidelines of the Mahogany Homeowners Association must be strictly adhered to, (no alcohol, no smoking, no vaping, no glass containers, no bikes, etc.). Please click here for a full list of Regulations and Guidelines.
- Limit of 40 people per booking, including all members and guests, (adults, children and infants).
- No staking allowed at the beach. All equipment such as tents must be surface weighted (ex. sandbags). Bounce houses or inflatables are not permitted at the Mahogany Beach Club.
- Please bring your own charcoal and lighters for barbeque use.
- You can bring your own barbeque as long as it will fit on the cement pad at the location you have booked.
- Beach, playgrounds, sport courts and boat rentals are open to all Mahogany members but cannot be reserved.
- Boat use is for Mahogany members only.
- No animals are permitted in the HOA parks, except guide dogs.
- Bookings are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
- Guest list is required 72 hours prior to arrival, otherwise the booking will be cancelled.
- Rain cancellation only on day of event, can be rebooked within one week for any available time slot remaining within the season.
- Based on annual booking demands, the number of booking requests per household is limited to one per day.